Audio Analysis Workshop 2019

On August 19 2019, the Audio Analysis Lab helds its annual workshop, the Audio Analysis Workshop, at CREATE, Aalborg University. The workshop was attended by ~40 reseachers from TU Delft, KU Leuven, Lund University, Imperial College, Aalborg University as well as a number of companies. The program featured 25 scientific presentations on topics such as source localization, beamforming, speech enhancement, and sound zones. The keynote talk was given by Professor Patrick Naylor from Imperial College who gave a very interesting talk entitled “Broadband Signal Processing Using Polynomial Eigenvalue Decomposition with Application to Speech Enhancement”. This was the 8th edition of the workshop which was started as part of the Villum Young Investigator Programme grant that the lab was founded on. Since the grant ended, the workshop has been kindly supported by the GN Foundation and various projects.