The Villum Foundation project has now started

As of August 1, the Villum Foundation project entitled Spatio-Temporal Filtering Methods for Enhancement and Separation of Speech Signals has officially started. The project aims at exploring fundamentally new ways of solving the cocktail party problem by generalizing novel optimal temporal filtering methods to multiple microphones, resulting in so-called spatio-temporal filtering methods. The filters are optimal in the sense that they let the signal of interest pass undistorted while everything else is attenuated. The Audio Analysis Lab has received ~7,000,000 DKK from the Villum Foundation’s Young Investigator Programme for the project. Jesper Rindom Jensen will be employed as postdoc as of August 15, and two Ph.D.-students join us during the fall. In January 2013, Prof. Jacob Benesty (University of Quebec) will come here as Guest Professor to work on the project for half a year. Prof. Andreas Jakobsson (Lund University) will also be part of the project. Nordjyske wrote a nice article about the project, which can be accessed here. You can also read more about the funded project on the Villum Foundation homepage.

Tutorial at SMC 2012 in Copenhagen

Mads Græsbøll Christensen of the Audio Analysis Lab gave a tutorial at the Sound and Music Computing Conference entitled Parametric Pitch Estimators for Music Signals on June 11 2012. The slides can be downloaded by clicking here, and you can read more about the conference here.

Welcome to the hompage of the Audio Analysis Lab

The homepage for the newly founded Audio Analysis Lab at Aalborg University is now up and running! On this page, you can read news and background information about ongoing research projects as well as the people who are working on them. In time, you will also be able to access demos, source code (e.g., MATLAB) and shared experimental data.